Electro-Mechanical Digital Tensile Testing Machine

Electro-Mechanical Digital Tensile Testing Machine
Control Panel Features :
- Full fledged sealed membrane alpha numeric keyboard for data entry 16 x 2 Lines LCD Graphics display with backlit for displaying Load and Elongation of crosshead with bigger font size.
- Load indicated with resolution of 0.01% of machine capacity for entire range.
- Elongation is measured with resolution of 0.01 mm.
- Auto detection of overload and over travel and specimen break. On detection of any condition electrical motor is automatically turned off.
- Tare load and Reset Elongation facility to display Peak Load and Elongation at Peak, Load at break, Elongation at break
- RS232C interface for computer connectivity
Fine Manufacturing Industries has been using Tensile Testing Machines in the Automobile Sector, Sheet Metal, Copper & Brass, Aluminium, Spring, PVC Pipe, Govt. Organization, Rubber, Nylon, Multi Storage Rack, Drainage Pipe, and its Labs to ensure accuracy and quality. We offer our services in various Cities such as Mumbai, Chennai, Jamshedpur, Jabalpur, Kolkata, Guwahati, Nagpur, and New Delhi, Brazil, France, Germany, Netherland, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, Australia, USA, Singapore, Italy, Poland, Spain, Portugal, South Africa, Kenya, Serbia, Greece, Israel, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Jordan, Bangladesh, Netherlands, France